Amy Launder Amy Launder

Getting Your Mum’s Voice Out Of Your Head

Many adults feel a constant pressure to live according to their parents’ expectations, even well into adulthood. This pressure can manifest in various aspects of life—career choices, relationships, lifestyle, and even personal values. The sense of obligation to meet these expectations can be overwhelming, often leading to feelings of inadequacy or guilt if you deviate from the path your parents envisioned for you.

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Resilience, Well-Being Amy Launder Resilience, Well-Being Amy Launder

What is Emotional Agility?

In a time when everything is felt so intensely - the grief, the fear, the sadness, the connection - it can be easy to be led by our emotions and our inner monologues. However, being led by our thoughts and emotions can lead us to feel quite unstable - think about how often your emotions change throughout the day.

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