Amy Launder Amy Launder

The Hidden Costs of Being ‘Too Nice’—And Why It’s Time to Change

Have you ever been told, “You’re just too nice for your own good”? On the surface, being agreeable and conflict-avoidant might seem like a good thing. After all, you’re keeping the peace, making others happy, and avoiding drama. But beneath the surface, being ‘too nice’ often comes at a hidden cost—one that impacts your emotional, mental, and relational well-being.

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Amy Launder Amy Launder

How to Set Boundaries and Reclaim Yourself!

If you grew up with at least one emotionally immature parent, chances are you know a thing or two about being a people-pleaser. That sinking feeling when you think someone is upset with you—the way it can feel life-shattering—might be all too familiar.

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