20 Relationship Journal Prompts
Below is a list of journal prompts that you can pick and choose from that will focus on your relationships. These might be romantic relationships, familial relationships, or friendships - that’s up to you. You might want to work through them one by one, or simply pick at random and leave the rest. Again that’s completely up to you.
So, let’s get started!
When I’m in a romantic relationship, does my behaviour change? If so, how does it change?
Does my behaviour/mood change based on which friends I spend time with? Why does it change? Do I like the change?
Who do I feel I can be completely myself around? Why this person?
How do I show someone that I love them? What is my love language?
If my partner does something that upsets me, how do I let them know? Do I tell them? Do I sulk? Do I pretend I’m okay?
Do I gossip? Do I gossip more when I’m with certain people? How do I feel when I’ve been gossiping?
How do arguments get resolved? How do you handle conflict?
What relationship models did I have when I was growing up? Parents, aunts/uncles, friends parents, etc. What were they like? Do I want my relationships to be like their?
What makes me feel loved? How can I communicate this to my loved ones?
Do I hold onto a grudge? How does this feel? How long do I hold onto grudges for?
Am I my own first priority in relationships?
Which of my loved ones celebrates with me when I succeed, and who doesn’t?
What is my ideal romantic relationship? Describe how you would feel in the relationship, what you would do together, how you would communicate, etc.
What is the one thing you wish your closest loved ones knew about you?
What was a time that you felt insecure in your relationship (past or present)? What did you do?
When something goes wrong, who is the first person I would think to call? Why that person?
Am I someone that my friends/family can rely on? Who can I rely on?
List 5 people who have made a positive impact on your life? What was the impact? Does each person know the impact that they had on you?
What does trust mean to you? How is trust broken? How is trust earned?
Is my relationship with my partner reciprocal? Is it more one-sided? How can it become more balanced?