Am I a Parentified Child?
You were likely a child that was seen as responsible, in control, and able to handle “grown-up” issues and be involved in “grown-up” decisions with your parents. You might feel like you don’t really remember being a “kid”, and feel like it’s safer to be self-reliant than to depend on others.
Signs Someone Was Raised By A Narcissist
Narcissistic parents raise their children to believe that their authentic self is somehow flawed. These children spend so much of their lives trying to be what their parents want them to be, and taking care of the parent’s emotional needs, that it is difficult to keep in touch with who they are and what they need as individuals.
The Legacy of a Narcissistic Parent
Children need to feel loved, seen, heard, and known. This highest form of love is unconditional love - knowing that you are loved even if you are being told off, knowing that you are loved even if you are misbehaving.
When Alcohol Impacts The Family
Alcohol addiction is a serious illness that can have an impact on the whole family. An addiction is defined as not having any control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it could be harmful to you. In this case, we are talking about alcohol.
What is a Reparative Relationship?
We are hardwired to seek out human connection throughout our lives. At all stages of life, we seek out connectivity with others, and sometimes these relationships are healthy, while other times they are not.