How to Stop Prioritising Everyone Else and Start Prioritising Yourself
Growing up with emotionally immature or narcissistic parents often means you’ve been taught—directly or indirectly—that your needs come second, or even last. You might have been praised for being “the helpful one,” or made to feel guilty if you weren’t always accommodating others. As an adult, this can lead to patterns of over-giving, people-pleasing, and neglecting your own well-being.
Feeling Guilty For Saying No? Let’s Overcome It!
Have you ever said “no” to someone, only to be immediately hit with a wave of guilt? That heavy, uncomfortable feeling might leave you wondering if you’ve done something wrong or let someone down. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone—and it’s not your fault.
How to Set Boundaries and Reclaim Yourself!
If you grew up with at least one emotionally immature parent, chances are you know a thing or two about being a people-pleaser. That sinking feeling when you think someone is upset with you—the way it can feel life-shattering—might be all too familiar.
Why Am I Attracted to Narcissists?
Anyone can find themselves n a relationship with a narcissist, especially a grandiose narcissist, who will be charming, charismatic, and manipulative. However, if you repeatedly find yourself in relationships with narcissists, it is likely that this isn’t a coincidence, and that there is something deeper at play here.
Boundaries and Stress
In today's world, there seems to be no distinction between our work lives and our home lives. Most of us are contactable at any time and no matter where we are in the world thanks to our ever-present mobile phones.
How To Set Boundaries
Boundaries are agreed on limitations on a relationship. The reason that we set boundaries in a relationship is so that others know what you are and are not willing to do.